With all the expenses for food, gifts, and decorations, the past Christmas season certainly made you stretch your wallets to the breaking point. In that case, you’ll surely feel the struggle for money just before payday.
Don’t you think it’s time to include “spending money wisely” on your 2014 New Year’s Resolution list?
Here’s a six-step plan to help you survive until the next payday, not just for this holiday season, but for the rest of your life.
Step 1. List down all your purchases
The best technique to keep an eye on your money is to note down all your purchases (however small) in a spending diary or
money management app. By recording everything you spend, you’ll always know exactly how much cash you have left and you’ll know where all your money is going.
Step 2. Figure how much you’ve got and how much you need
To determine how big your budget shortfall is, put a figure on the money coming in every month and the money going out. List all your expenses including all your household bills, as well as your day-to-day spending. If your “leisure” spending far exceeds your “household” spending, then you may have a problem that needs to be solved right away. (Hint: You spend too much.)
Step 3. Budget your money.
You need to start thinking about making some budget cutbacks if you’re spending more than you’re earning. If you find you have a tendency to fritter on certain items, try to cut them out or, at least, replace them with cheaper alternatives.
Step 4. Use cash, not your credit card.
It’s difficult to track your spending if you use your credit card to pay for things. Unlike if you have hard cash in your hands, it’s much easier to see when it’s running out.
Step 5. Make changes.
There are literally thousands of ways you can make savings. From the obvious things – walking or cycling to work, cancelling an unused gym membership, taking homemade lunches to work, shopping around for your food – to the more obscure. It is best to eliminate your unnecessary purchases and luxuries.
Step 6. Make bigger savings.
Give your finances a good overhaul. You might find once your finances have a clean bill of health, you actually have some spare cash. Continue all your hard work by putting this extra money into a savings account.
Once you succeed all these steps, you should find your salary lasting all the way to payday and beyond!
Image Source: bizbuilder.com